Community Notice - Planning and Steering Meeting - August 20
June 18, 2024
Planning and Steering Meeting - August 20 at 6pm
The Committee will have it's first review of updating the 2010 Drought Plan to comply with current law and updated information since 2010
Also - the Committee will take a look a "Extraordinary/Major" repairs list to identify the Districts needs and costs over the next 20 years.
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AG Committee meeting: Olive Industry Focus Meeting - was a big success
Next Meeting September 11 2024 - 6pm District Board Room
All Olive Growers Encouraged to Attend -
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Happy Valley Farmers Market - 2nd and 4th Saturday of Month - August 10 and August 24!!
8am - 11am - Every 2nd and 4th Saturday through October
Lot next to Bonney's Burger - 17415 Palm Ave, Anderson
Freshly Produced, Locally Grown